Articles and op-ed publications on abortion

Ronald Reagan and abortion.

The Colorado Statesman, July 30, 2004.


The answer to Cindy Sheehan’s question.

The Daily Camera, Letters to the editor, Sept. 11, 2005


The doctor’s dilemma – truly delusional decisions from the Supreme Court.

The Colorado Statesman 108(18), 4 May 2007


The human life statute: Will it protect life or power?

The Human Life Statute: Will It Protect Life or Power?

By Dr. Warren M. Hern
The Denver Post Sunday, June 21, 1981

The :”Human Life Statute” now before the U.S. Congress would have the same effect. It requires only a majority in both houses, plus the president’s signature, to become law.

A more basic question before our society is not when life begins, but who is best prepared to decide when to transmit life to a new generation – the individual or the state? The right of the individual woman to make this choice should be supported. In this matter, she is more competent than any government.


This is a person – No, it’s a chicken!

The Denver Post, January 22, 2008 (full-page ad)
By Warren M. Hern


This is a person – No, it’s a chicken!

The Rocky Mountain News, January 22, 2008 (full-page ad)


This is a person – No, it’s a chicken!

The Daily Camera, January 22, 2008 (full-page ad)


This is a person – No, it’s a chicken!

The Colorado Statesman, January 18, 2008 (full-page ad)


When is an egg not an egg?

When is an egg not an egg?

The Colorado Statesman 108(30), 27 July 2007
By Warren M. Hern

An egg is a person. No, an egg is a chicken. A fertilized human egg is a person. An acorn is a tree. A seed is an apple. A set of plans is a house. A blastocyst is a “pre-born baby.” An adult human being is a “pre-dead corpse.” Up is down. Black is white. War is peace. Facts are not important.


When is an egg not an egg?

The Colorado Statesman 108 (30), July 27,2007.


When Legal Abortion Came To Boulder.

Guest Opinion, The Daily Camera, November 2, 2003 (origiinal title: Reflections: November, 1973).


Why a NY woman came to Colorado for a 32-week abortion

Forty-three states place some restrictions on abortions after a certain point in pregnancy, but Colorado isn’t one of them.

The Denver Post, October 13, 2019 By Anna Staver
Published October 13, 2019 at 6 AM UPDATED: October 13, 2019 at 11:34 AM


Women Are Going to Die

“Women Are Going to Die”: A Late-Abortion Doctor on the Dangers of Post-Roe America”

Dr. Warren Hern on what happens now.

Abigail Weinberg
July 19, 2022
Mother Joes | Abortion